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Smeets Recruitment

Zuidplein 36, 1077 XV  Amsterdam


The information on this site is compiled carefully.  In case you have any questions and/or remarks about either the content of this site, or the content of our services, please feel free to contact us. No rights can be derived from the content of this site.

Copyright © Smeets Recruitment. All rights reserved. Nothing from this site may be copied, duplicated, stored in a database or published, in any form or method, without explicit written permission.

Privacy statement

Smeets Recruitment processes personal data and company information as far as needed for recruitment purposes, in accordance with the valid rules on protection of personal data, comprising the processing of personal data in an (online) database, for:
- a rapid processing of response and to improve the recruitment process;
- the suitability of candidates (freelancers or candidates from a supplier) for work at a company;
- the availability of a candidate for an application at a certain company;
- the preparation, agreement, conduction of contracts;
- the acting in case of dispute.

All personal data will be removed two years after contracting at the employer, or two years after registration of a freelancer; unless certain personal data are to keep for a longer period than two years, as it is ruled by certain laws. You have the opportunity for inspection on approval, and possible correction of your personal data. Please feel free to contact us in case you have any questions.

Credits & sources

All material (text and pictures) on this website is made by Smeets Recruitment, with kind permission from the following organizations: ABN-Amro, ING, Rabobank; Nationale Nederlanden, Delta Lloyd; IBC Business Consulting.


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